Offsprings X Man Logan Ambassador Sun
V případě zájmu o krytí kontaktujte:
Martišová Jana
Hradec Králové, CZ
+420 731517154
Vrh A - The Guardian of Joe Mother: Cacharel Scarlett Nadepa Date of bird puppies: 1 boy |
Vrh H - z Kaplířova panství Mother: Fibie z Kaplířova panství Date of birth puppies: 20.03.2018 3 females and 4 males. |
Vrh A - Wifi´s Family Mother: Wifi Bee Master Date of birth puppies: 04.06.2018 5 females and 1male |
Vrh B - Ri Gadhars Mother: Satip Negress Geeria Date of birth puppies: 05.09.2018 1 female and 1male |
Vrh A - Endless Bull Love Mother: Sisi Angelo Custode Date of birth puppies: 06. 10. 2018 2 females and 3 males |
Vrh - Z Chrustenické Roklinky Mother: Arwen Lova Caimi Bella Date of birth puppies: 28. 01. 2019 2 females |
Vrh I - z Kaplířova panství Mother: Fibie z Kaplířova panství Date of birth puppies: 23. 12. 2019 4 females and 4 males. |
Vrh A - Elistaff Mother: Francesca ze Smiřické zahrady Date of birth puppies: 07. 07. 2020 2 females and 3 males |